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The Art Route (6 km)

In Nyborg's square, you'll find the "zero stone." This is the starting point from which all distances are measured, and it's where your cycling tour begins. Start your journey by embarking on a treasure hunt for the numerous knight reliefs carved into the granite paving stones of the square. Enjoy the Christian III fountain, or immerse yourself in art through the many audio stories.

Your route is brimming with artworks, cultural heritage, and opportunities for contemplation. You will discover many more descriptions online, as unfortunately, not all can be included here, where the focus is on the audio stories " Lyt til kunsten," which can be heard through the Vizgu app or lyttilkunsten.dk.

Nyborg Library

Innocentia and Solbad are two sculptures located near Nyborg Library. Innocentia is a bronze sculpture by Carl Aarsleff, while Solbad is a sandstone sculpture by Gunnar Slot. Nyborg Library itself is a groundbreaking architectural masterpiece within Danish building art. Completed in 1939, it is one of the earliest examples of Danish Functionalism and was designed by some of Denmark's most renowned architects and furniture designers: Erik Møller, Flemming Lassen, and Hans J. Wegner.

Den smukkest anlagte kirkegård

Nyborg's history is undeniable, and the contours of the fortress are clearly visible in Nyborg Cemetery, the oldest of Nyborg's two cemeteries. A book titled "Den smukkest anlagte kirkegård" has been published about this cemetery. In the heart of the cemetery, you will find the bronze sculpture "Korskilden" by Gunnar Slot.

Beachside Sculptures

In 1899, a new beachfront hotel opened in Nyborg - the current Hotel Nyborg Strand. Nearly 100 years later, the local artist Ole Skovsbøll created the beach balls that adorn the beach. In the background, perhaps Denmark's largest work of art - the Great Belt Bridge - stands as a unique icon. In the garden behind Hotel Nyborg Strand, you can find, among other things, the artwork "Pigen der sætter sit hår" (The Girl Arranging Her Hair) by Povl Søndergaard. Perhaps she has been swimming in the clear and sparkling Great Belt?

Den med Fisken

Harvey Martin is the artist behind the iron sculpture "Den med fisken" (The One with the Fish) from 1997. Close by is one of Nyborg's newest works of art, "Forsavn" by Lars Abrahamsen. Forsavn changes appearance depending on the angle from which the sculpture is viewed. Forsavn was erected in memory of the 35 sailors from Nyborg who died in the service during World War II.

Resurrection Throughout the Day

In Vor Frue Church, you will find Maja Lisa Engelhardt's two artworks: the Resurrection Window and the Altar Cross. The renowned artist has created a work of art that you should experience multiple times. The artwork, depicting the Tree of Life, is the only one of its kind in Denmark made of iridescent glass. It changes appearance throughout the day with the changing light, and precisely because it is iridescent glass, the church continues to be filled with a divine light. There is daily access to the church outside of church services via the small south-facing door opposite Korsbrødregade 4. Maja Lisa Engelhardt has also decorated two windows in the vestry of Kullerup Church.

Galleries and Artists

After listening to the audio stories " Lyt til kunsten," you can continue your journey through the East Funen art scene. In the summer, there are changing art exhibitions in the Water Tower on Dronningens Bastion. Østfyns Kunstforening exhibits year-round in Anders Drages Gård, and in the artist colony of Tårup south of Nyborg, you can find, for example, Galleri Vejenlyst, where you can explore light and shadow or take a walk on the Fairy Tale Trails. In East Funen, there are many creative souls, and your journey may lead you, for example, past HOLDT Keramik's workshop and shop. Keep an eye out for the artists' signs or make an appointment to see their workshops, galleries, and shops.

Kierkegaard Jug

Another of the many works of art in Nyborg is the Kierkegaard Jug, a tribute to Søren Kierkegaard. At the time of its creation, the Kierkegaard Jug by Peter Brandes was the world's largest single-burnt object. Weighing 9,000 kilograms and standing 5.2 meters tall, it is located at the Gl. Vindinge Hotel and Conference Center. Take the former railway tracks towards Vindinge and follow the paths to the jug. Also, be sure to admire the beautiful butterfly-friendly meadow that Gl. Vindinge has created. The path runs along Holckenhavn Fjord and is a lovely and scenic route.