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Kølstrup Shelters

Kølstrup Shelters

The Kølstrup Shelters is the biggest shelter site in Kerteminde municipality.

The shelter site at Kølstrup south of Kerteminde is part of the shelter concept Blue Support Points, where you can spend the night in new modern shelters all around Funen. The shelter site is the largest shelter site in Kerteminde Municipality. All four shelter types that are part of the shelter concept can be found on the site.

Kølstrup By is an active village in the inner part of Kerteminde Fjord. Right next to the shelter square is the city's sports field and very popular playground.

There is a fire pit with fire ring and fire benches. There is no firewood on the site, so you must bring it yourself if you want a fire. Trees must not be felled or bushes cut on the site and in the neighbour's garden-forest belt!

There is a multi-purpose toilet on the site, but no water.

The shelter site is managed by Kølstrup Beboerforening.