As traditional local food Fyn is famous for rygeost. It is sold in shops and used by restaurants. It can be eaten both as it is on bread or prepared in many ways as an ingredient.
In Nyborg you also find the local shop and national Danish champion of Rygeostesalet (smoked cheese crème) – Osteboden Fru Hansen. The recipe is a secret family recipe, and the shop is situated in one of Nyborg’s old merchants houses in the center of the town.
Recipe for homemade smoked cheese (makes about 5 dl)
- 1 L whole milk
- 1 dl buttermilk
- 2 drops rennet in 2 cl cold water
You start by heating the milk up to ca. 80 C, then you cool it off to room temperature, preferably in a cold water bath. Add the buttermilk and stir well. Add the rennet/water mixture and mix well. Then the mixture just has to sit for 24 hours.
After 24 hours, you just take the coagulated milk and cut it into 2 x 2 cm cubes with a sharp knife. Place the cheese in a strainer lined with cheesecloth and let it drain for 5-7 hours, so 6-7 dl of the liquid is removed. The cheese will hold for 3-4 days in the refrigerator without adding anything else. You can use the liquid for baking bread.
Smoking the cheese:
Place a bit of wood chips or straw in the bottom of your smoking oven, light it, and when there’s a good fire going, place stinging nettles or other fresh shoots/herbs atop to create a strong smoke. Then place the cheese on a rack and put it in the smoker. Smoke the cheese for 20-30 seconds, or until it gets a light golden surface. Alternatively, you can dig a hole in the ground, make a fire in the bottom, put twigs/shoots/etc. on top, place the cheese on a rack, and finally lay a wet cloth over and smoke the cheese that way.