Newcastles of the World
Newcastles of the World is a network of cities around the world all bearing the name "Nyborg". Here is the opportunity to follow the news and exciting initiatives from all our sister cities around the world.
Newcastle passport
Newcastles Passport fremmer turisme og venskab mellem Newcastles over hele verden. Hver Newcastle, der er en del af passet, har omhyggeligt valgt en række specialtilbud til besøgende fra andre Newcastles. Se de spændende tilbud her.
Do you have the courage to try recipes from different Newcastles?
In the cookbook you can find all sorts of recipes. What about "Taro potage" from Shinshiro in Japan, "Gebratene Schweinshaxen" from Neuburg an der Donau in Germany, or how about "Isitambu" from Newcastle in South Africa?
Photo:Newcastle of the world